University Restructures – Preparing for Potential Mass Redundancies

This article explores the potential implications of the proposed Employment [...]

By |2024-07-25T14:27:01+01:00July 24th, 2024|Changes in the law, Employment, For Individuals & Families, Our Services|Comments Off on University Restructures – Preparing for Potential Mass Redundancies

The Increase of Redundancies within the Technology and Video Game Industries

This is the first in a series of articles examining [...]

By |2024-02-28T14:38:27+00:00February 28th, 2024|Business Disputes, Employment, For Businesses, For Individuals & Families|Comments Off on The Increase of Redundancies within the Technology and Video Game Industries

Law Commission proposes change to protect consumers who have pre-paid for goods from a retailer who has become insolvent.

“With more and more people prepaying for goods online, it [...]

By |2022-02-24T21:29:26+00:00August 24th, 2020|For Individuals & Families|Comments Off on Law Commission proposes change to protect consumers who have pre-paid for goods from a retailer who has become insolvent.

A good reputation is hard to earn and easy to lose.

Protect yourself and your business against the rise in fake [...]


That was the message from Donal Blaney, Director & Principal [...]

By |2022-02-15T21:23:03+00:00November 19th, 2019|Changes in the law, Cross Border and International Litigation, For English Law Firms, For Individuals & Families, Griffin Law News and Events|Comments Off on “LIABILITY – IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – YOU’RE ON THE HOOK!”

Fake Rape Claims: Drawing the line between “Always Believe” and “Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Recent sexual accusations against Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, and [...]

By |2022-02-15T21:24:00+00:00November 8th, 2019|Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Bullying and Harassment, For Individuals & Families, In the Media|Comments Off on Fake Rape Claims: Drawing the line between “Always Believe” and “Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Divorce: why does it have to be somebody’s fault?

The fault-based system for divorce in England and Wales is [...]

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