Friends of Double Joy – £90

‘Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow’ – Swedish proverb.

The trustees are delighted to make an award to the Friends of Double Joy.

‘Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow’ Swedish proverb….

Friends of Double Joy is a grassroots UK charity which raises money for Double Joy Children’s Farm, an orphanage in western Kenya.

Double Joy was opened in 1994 by Mary Hinde (a UK citizen), after seeing the devastating impact of the AIDs epidemic, leaving many children without both parents. The orphanage is now home to 85 vulnerable children whose parents were the victims of AIDs and other severe illnesses. Double Joy offers these amazing children a safe, stable and loving home and a good education to help them into adult life.

There are no UK staff salaries or administration costs. Double Joy employs 34 local staff and is well known in the local Kenyan area. Mary Hinde, who is self-funding, continues to live on site in her 80s to oversee the care of these children. All money is spent at source.

Currently, the orphanage provides a safe and stable home to 85 children and supports 40 children through private Kenyan education.

The orphanage currently collects rain water into large water storage tanks during the rainy season and this is used for the children to drink and cook with. When the water runs out, the orphanage has to pay for a tanker to come and drop water off at a very large cost. As the orphanage is at the end of the route quite often there isn’t enough to fill the tank. Currently, Double Joy is looking to raise funds to install an extra water tank. 
The Griffin Law Foundation is delighted to make this aim a reality.

If you would like to nominate a charity for a Griffin Law Charitable Foundation donation, please download our due diligence form. The trustees will then review your submission at the next monthly meeting. If you are approved for funding, the Foundation’s secretary will be in touch regarding the next steps.

The Griffin Law Foundation is a charity registered in England & Wales with charity number 1183766 with its principal office at 60 Churchill Square, West Malling, Kent ME19 4YU.

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